Saturday, January 21, 2012

#Pagan Blog Project: Week III

is for Being True to Yourself.
Oddly this 3rd installment left me completely blank. Especially when once I drafted a blog on balance, others have done so, and did a much better job than mine, so I didn't post it. I'm also a bit anal about wanting to be unique. I even thought of writing about Blind Faith, but then my blog would be nothing more than a bitchfest with me in charge.

So, the best way I know to discuss my chosen topic is to talk a little about myself. Show by example.

I am nearly 43 years old, a mother of 4, and a Pagan. I recently lost my mother, but not through death. I lost her to her religion. I am evil and destined to hell according to her. Now do not for one minute think I am down on Christians, because I am not. I have friends who are dear and near to my heart who are Christians of different denominations that I accept, and that accept me. I accept my mother's beliefs. The woman has the right to find comfort in her own spirituality as she sees fit. What you do not realize, is that even when I was Catholic I was evil in her eyes. (long story that someday I might share.)

I bet you're asking how that ties in to my topic choice. Well see, All my life I tried to get my mother's approval. We've had our tiffs through the years and not spoken, then eventually started talking again. All because I so desperately wanted her attention and approval, that I'd bow down to her, and make excuses for her. This time though is different, because finally I am being true to Myself. I will not hide my spiritual path, or any part of myself any longer, just to appease others.

Everyone, no matter who they are need to stand up for themselves. We are all unique individuals, and being true to yourself is in itself a spiritual awakening.

Goddess Bless and keep you safe this week!

Friday, January 13, 2012

#Pagan Blog Project: Week II

This week was a bit tougher on finding a topic. First I was going to do Astral Travel/projection vs Myoclonic Twitch/Hypnagogic Jerk. Then someone brouht up an ancient 13th zodiac that starts with an 'A'. She called it Aranean and based on Arachne. No it's not Ophiuchus, I looked all over the net, and found nothing so I ordered the book she's reading from, and a couple others. I don't feel right on blogging about info that I don't have all the info on. I could have done many gods and goddesses, like Artemis, Athena, Apollo, Anubis, Atum, Aten, Amun, Angrbodha, Astrild, Atla, etc... but many are doing the deities. So, looking much like my favorite bear, Winnie-ther-Pooh, I tell myself, "Think, Jeaux, think about something you know." Then it hit me like a fast ball in the outfield.

The Staff of Asciepius vs. The Caduceus Wand

The Staff of Asclepius (Æsclepius, Asklepios)
      [Personification of Medical or healing Art and its ideals]
Professional and patient centred organisations (such as the NZMA, in fact most medical Associations around the world including the World Health Organization) use the "correct" and traditional symbol of medicine, the staff of Asclepius with a single serpent encircling a staff, classically a rough-hewn knotty tree limb. Asclepius (an ancient greek physician deified as the god of medicine) is traditionally depicted as a bearded man wearing a robe that leaves his chest uncovered and holding a staff with his sacred single serpent coiled around it, (example right) symbolizing renewal of youth as the serpent casts off its skin. The single serpent staff also appears on a Sumerian vase of c. 2000 B.C. representing the healing god Ningishita, the prototype of the Greek Asklepios.

Asclepius was most probably a skilled physician who practised in Greece around 1200BC (and described in Homer's Iliad). Eventually through myth and legend he came to be worshipped as Asclepius, the (Greek) god of Healing.
The Myth: Asclepius is the god of Healing. He is the son of Apollo and the nymph, Coronis. While pregnant with Asclepius, Coronis secretly took a second, mortal lover. When Apollo found out, he sent Artemis to kill her. While burning on the funeral pyre, Apollo felt pity and rescued the unborn child from the corpse. Asclepius was taught about medicine and healing by the wise centaur, Cheiron, and became so skilled in it that he succeeded in bringing one of his patients back from the dead. Zeus felt that the immortality of the Gods was threatened and killed the healer with a thunderbolt. At Apollo's request, Asclepius was placed among the stars as Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer. (Like the wheel this brings me somewhat back to the 13th zodiac. I will be talking more about that in the months to come. Especially since Astrology really interests me.)
The staff as a Medical symbol: From the early 16th century onwards, the staff of Asclepius and the caduceus of Hermes were widely used as printers’ marks especially as frontispieces to pharmacopoeias in the 17th and 18th centuries. Over time the rod and serpent (the Asclepian staff) emerged as an independent symbol of medicine.

The Caduceus of Mercury (Roman) and the Karykeion of Hermes (Greek)
Many "medical" organisations use a symbol of a short rod entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of wings, which is actually the caduceus or magic wand of the Greek godHermes (Roman Mercury), messenger of the gods, inventor of (magical) incantations, conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves. It is derived from the Greek karykeion = "herald's staff", itself based on the word "eruko" meaning restrain, control.
The Greek Hermes found his analogue in Egypt as the ancient Wisdom god Thoth, as Taaut of the Phoenicians and in Rome as the god Mercury (all linked with a magic rod with twin snakes).
The mythical origin of his magic twin serpent caduceus is described in the story of Tiresias. Poulenc, in "Les Mamelles de Tiresias" (The Breasts of Tiresias) tells how Tiresias--the seer who was so unhelpful to Oepidus and Family- found two snakes copulating, and to separate them stuck his staff between them. Immediately he was turned into a woman, and remained so for seven years, until he was able to repeat his action, and change back to male. The transformative power in this story, strong enough to completely reverse even physical polarities of male and female, comes from the union of the two serpents, passed on by the wand. Tiresias' staff, complete with serpents, was later passed on to Hermes...

A description of the Caduceus of Hermes (Mercury)is that the serpents may represent positive and negative kundalini as it moves through the chakras and around the spine (the staff) to the head where it communicates with MIND by intellection, the domain of Mercury [wings].
The caduceus as a Medical symbol: The link between Hermes and his caduceus and medicine seems to have arisen by Hermes links with alchemy. Alchemists were referred to as the sons of Hermes, as Hermetists or Hermeticists and as "practitioners of the hermetic arts". By the end of the sixteenth century, the study of alchemy included not only medicine and pharmaceuticals but chemistry, mining and metallurgy. Despite learned opinion that it is the single snake staff of Asclepius that is the proper symbol of medicine, many medical groups have adopted the twin serpent caduceus of Hermes or Mercury as a medical symbol during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Despite the unequivocal claim of the staff of Asclepius to represent medicine (and healing), the caduceus, a rod with two entwined serpents topped by a pair of wings appears to be the more popular symbol of medicine in the United States, probably due to simple confusion between the caduceus and the staff of Asclepius, the true symbol of medicine. Many people use the word caduceus to mean both of these emblems.

In closing.. When my husband went to school to become an EMT, I studied up to find him a pendent he could wear on the job as a pagan, and found that since these healing symbols are used in modern times, I was able to find him a Caduceus with a pentacle at the head.

Now I know these blogs will get tougher and tougher if I insist on remaining unique and not blogging about topics others have picked. My goal is to bring my readers something new, and unique.

Have A Happy Friday the 13th & A Blessed Week!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Book 2 for the Witches & Witchcraft Challenge

My second book for this challenge is the first book of the Jazz Tremaine series, 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover. Funny that I didn't realize this was a series until after I read the third book first.

When she isn't getting into trouble with her oddball companions—a vicious pair of bunny slippers and a frustrated ghost who haunts her sports car—hot-tempered witch Jazz Tremaine earns money lifting hexes and driving limos for Southern California's All Creatures Limo Service. When the vampire cop she's loved and hated for centuries, Nikolai Gregorivich, seeks her help in catching a serial vampire slayer, Jazz fends him off to focus on her own problems (the sleazeball limo service owner; a client who generates supernaturally disgusting odors). She can't resist her sexy vamp lover for long, though, especially as clues in the killings point to an evil figure from her past. With clever writing, a high sensuality factor and an unfettered imagination, Wisdom makes a sparkling entry into lite urban paranormals.

Monday, January 9, 2012

LSU vs Bama tonight, Jan 9.2012 for the Championship @ the Superdome

Twas the night before the BCS, and all throughv N'Awlins, the pits were smoking, the crawfish boilin', the banners were hung in the Superdome with care, knowing LSU and Bama would soon be there. The tigers were nestled all safe in their beds, while vision of Shady's danced in their heads. And Nick with his pitchfork, and Les with his cap, were drawing a game plan, no time for a nap. When out in the Quarter, there arose such a clatter, it startled Nick Satan, and Les the Mad Hatter. A guy yelled "Go Bama" another "Role Tide", the Tiger fans from Jekyll to Hyde. They shouted in unison "Bama Sucks; Tiger Bait" For Bama was the team they all loved to hate. Dusk turned to Dawn and fans stumbled home. In just a few hours, they'd all fill the dome. The game soon kicked off, it was lively and quick. Bama scored first which gladdened St. Nick. Les calmly bent down, and chewed on some turf. He wouldnt be outcoached by a lil red smurf,
Now Jordan
Now Spencer
Now Kenny
Now O' Dell
On Reuben
On Russell
On Jarvis
Give em hell...To the end of the field, and in to the zone, lets go score some points and bring the title home, the O started rolling and soon they did score, the crowd went wild, Mike let out a roar. But the tide seemed to Beacon, the ghost of Bear and right before halftime, a kick sailed through the air. It soared through the uprights, both mighty and true, Alabama had 10, to 7 for LSU, the bands took the field and put on a show, the crowd hit the john, they all had to go. Meanwhile, in the locker, adjustments were made, the 2nd half game plan was carefully laid. The 2nd half kickoff went to the Tide, LSU tried to trick them and the kick was on side. The Tide did recover, and started their drive, but the Tiger D stiffened, the crowd came alive. Between the Freak and the kid named Mingo. They were all over the field like an old lady at Bingo. They went back and forth a heavy weight battle. The fans got real nervous. But Les didnt rattle. Who would you trust, a coach who eats grass, or one who looks distressed as if he has gas? We should all thank St. Nick and bend on our knees, it was he who chose Culpepper instead or Drew Brees. The clock ticked down, only ten seconds to go, Bama punted the ball, time to put on a show. He weaved through the Tide, as if they werent there. They all grasped at his jersey and came up with air. He crossed the goal line as the clock ticked to 0. Once again number 7 was the LSU hero. The crowd did erupt, the journey was through. The national Champions, the Tigers of LSU. And I heard him proclaim over cheering and taunts. Honey Badger gets, what Honey Badger wants.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Pagan Blog Project

Rowan, of the Pagan Blog Project of 2012 Decided we bloggers will blog alphabetically. Meaning, this week and next are topics beginning with A. Being that there are 26 letters in the alphabet, and since there are 52 weeks in a year, we get 2 weeks for each letter.

My first topic will be on Acceptance

Wikipedia defines it as this:
Acceptance is a person's agreement to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit.
Acceptance as a concept appears in Eastern religious concepts such as Buddhist mindfulness, and in human psychology. Religions and psychological treatments often suggest the path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk. Acceptance may imply only a lack of outward, behavioral attempts at possible change, but the word is also used more specifically for a felt or hypothesized cognitive or emotional state.

To me, as a Pagan, acceptance is a freeing of the heart, mind, and soul. If everyone had an accepting heart, then gone would be the days of intolerance. Christian, Pagan, Muslim, Buddhist, etc, could finally get along. 

Acceptance brings about tollerance, and those 2 together could change the world as we know it. Could bring about world peace. These are what my hopes and dreams of what the Age of Aquarius will bring. 

We can start now though. Every day make an active effort to accept people for who they are. There is no right and wrong path to enlightenment, so just smile lovingly at the close-minded ones and go about your way. Accept the fact they have a right to think how they like, and accept the fact YOU do not have to listen to it. I promise you, that once you don't fight and argue with them over religion, the wind is knocked right out of their sails. 

However, please remember that accepting does not mean to blindly follow. Two people can accept each other's difference in beliefs and spiritual path without following the other's path or belief system. This is where many people get tripped up, and run into a brick wall. They cannot wrap their mind around diversity in faith. It is these that we must smile the most lovingly at, and hope that they will see the light before hate consumes them.

Goddess grant me the ability to accept all things today. Especially the ones that piss me off the most.
So Mote It Be!

)O( Goddess Bless )O(

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Book 1 for the Witches & Witchcraft Challenge

For this challenge, my first book will be Wicked by Any Other Name by Linda Wisdom. Same as the other, I will comment or edit when I'm done.


Stasi Romanov uses just a little witch magic in her lingerie shop, running a brisk side business in love charms. A disgruntled customer threatening to sue over a failed love spell brings Trevor Barnes to town. Trevor's the best attorney around, and he just happens to be a wizard. Everyone knows that witches and wizards make a volatile combination—sure enough, the sparks fly and almost everyone's getting singed. Add to that Cupid playing a practical joke, a lunar eclipse that nearly precipitates a witch hunt, and some very mysterious goings on at the magical lake, and the feisty witch and gorgeous wizard have more than simply a possible lawsuit on their hands. Can they overcome their objections and settle out of court—and in the bedroom?

Book 1 for the Pagan Reading challenge

I've chosen The Light of the Ancient Buddhas by Tai Sheridan as my first book for this challenge. I will comment or edit when I'm done.


Keizan's thirteenth century "Denkoroku", The Transmission of the Light, is a sophisticated Zen fairytale about enlightenment and the empty ground of Being. Keizan uses archetypal myths, legends, and dreams to describe the luminous and awakened Zen mind. Poet-Philosopher Zen Priest Tai Sheridan transforms eighteen of the stories into lyrical ballads that focus on the light of the Universal Self. 

Remembering Kim

Although she was just a news anchor on my TV, Kim came into my home everyday for 20+ years. She kept me informed about the world and tested out products giving us the pros and cons. She's made me laugh, and made me cry. I missed seeing her at the State Fair these past few years, and just yesterday I was wondering how she was, and hoping she would return to work.

A little of what her Colleagues typed up...

KWCH anchor Kim Setty died Wednesday night. Kim shared 24 years with the people who work at KWCH and those who watched her on air. In that time, she balanced dedication to her job and devotion to her family; she balanced the gravity, and comedy, of working in the news business; and, while battling breast cancer in the public eye, she balanced fighting for her life and keeping normalcy in her family's life.

Kim started at KWCH in May 1987 as a bureau reporter in her hometown of Hutchinson. By the next year, she'd moved up the ranks to become anchor and producer of Eyewitness News at Noon, a newscast that earned high ratings under her command. Before working at KWCH, Kim reported for WIBW TV in Topeka. She began her broadcasting career on the radio, which helped Kim work her way through college at the University of Kansas.

Kim's reporting career ranged from working the medical beat and analyzing elections, to covering Hutchinson's natural gas explosions and interviewing First Lady Barbara Bush. She's best known for her series of consumer stories called, Does It Work? Trying to help viewers not waste money, she searched for products with hard-to-believe claims and recruited everyday people to test them. She concluded each story by asking testers for a verdict with her familiar question, "does it work?" Kim's homemaker sensibility and hearty sense of humor made her reports informative and entertaining. Over the course of a decade, Does It Work? became a popular series viewers looked forward to on Wednesday nights.

The Kansas Association of Broadcasters recognized Kim with accolades for Does It Work? as well as the Noon newscast she anchored. She also won awards for reporting on homeless children in Kansas and a story about Girl Scouts visiting their incarcerated mothers. In 2011, Kim received recognition by Goodwill Industries of Kansas for her service to the organization. She also volunteered at church, her children's schools, Girl Scouts and cancer support groups.

In 2005, Kim told viewers she'd been diagnosed with breast cancer. Through sickness and losing her blonde hair, she worked as much as possible. After recovering from surgery and treatment, she returned to anchoring as a redhead. Five years later, Kim let viewers know she was battling cancer once again. Through more surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy, she worked as much as she could. She insisted on coming to work until doctors told her she must stop, in the summer of 2011.

While Kim was a star on the Kansas airwaves, her two children and husband were the stars in her life. She mastered a balance of personal and professional life that's difficult when working in television news. In the newsroom, Kim loved to have a good laugh and she knew when to be all business. Because of the example she set, KWCH management created a Kim Setty Spirit of Excellence Award to recognize outstanding employees like her.

Colleagues at KWCH remember Kim for her diligence on the job, determination and dignity through cancer, and her down-to-earth and light-hearted character. We are grateful she shared 24 years with us. KWCH's page

       Kim, you are loved, and you will be missed. 


                                                   Rest In Peace

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well, I've done the Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, @JeauxRaynebeaux and now I shall try my hand at Blogging. To be honest, I got the Idea from The Pagan Blog Project 2012. It will take me a bit to get this blog looking exactly like I want it because it has been years since I've messed with HTML and creating web-pages. So please be patient and eventually, the noob look will be completely gone, and I'll be a pro at this too.

Hmmm I just got to thinking, I bet you're curious how my name came about. Well, My BFF/Sister's Daughter Kennedi  nic-named me Aunt Jo Rainbow when she couldn't figure out my middle name which begins with an R. Well, soon you'll find out, I'm anything but a Plain Jane, or for me wouldn't it be Playne Jayne? Anyway, being from Louisiana and a die hard LSU fan (Geaux Tigers), I changed the spelling of Jo Rainbow to Jeaux Raynebeaux (It's a Louisiana thing, you don't have to understand it, just accept it.). My dear Kennedi gave me my author name. I'll never give up the name.

Now, for the Jeaux's MeauxJeaux. Well, my dearest friend Rosary came up with that. See, we're in a couple of groups on Facebook, She Loves LSU, then we created She Loves New Orleans Saints. These groups are women only, and we get together to enjoy football without men's influences.. well except for the players and coaches obviously. You would not believe how many women are serious about their football! Anyway, back to my name. In all our text chanting for our teams this season, Rosary started referring to me as Jo-Jo Mojo. Ok, I think you know where we're going with this.

So, my sweet Rosary has inadvertently come up with the name for my blog. Looking up, I smile and realize I just typed my first entry to my blog.

Goodnight Folks,

)O( Goddess Bless! )O(